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The Resilient Heart: Mindfulness & Meditation for Challenging Times

Nancy Bennett

Tuesdays 6:00-7:00pm
July 19, 26 & August 2, 9
No drop ins

These past two years have shown us how precious our lives are…how perilous these times we live in.

How can we appreciate our lives? Live them as fully as possible? Contribute to our world without falling into despair or withdrawing into denial?

Mindfulness is the most powerful resource we have…and also all we need.

In this four-week class, we will explore what mindfulness really is and how it can help us live - fully awake and alive to the possibilities of each moment. We will practice mindfulness in sitting meditation and in our daily lives, in stillness and in movement, alone and in company, in happiness, sadness, irritation, impatience, love, and joy… As Zorba the Greek might say, mindfulness can support us through the full catastrophe!

We will learn the tools of mindfulness to access our own inner resources of wisdom, healing, and peace.

And that is truly all we need. No experience but life necessary.

From previous course participants:

You are a wonderful teacher and I’ve been a teacher for a long time.”
You were very clear, and provided excellent examples, and you made it easy.
You are warm, empathetic, and genuinely care about those who seek to learn from you.
Your teachings are inspiring, Nancy. Your teachings balance encouragement, illumination, and understanding.

Nancy Bennett is a Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teacher trained at UMass Medical Center for Mindfulness and the Brown Mindfulness Center. A long-time meditator with extensive meditation retreat experience, Nancy has a Masters of Pastoral Care and Counseling in the Buddhist track from New York Theological Seminary and interned as a chaplain in NYC and RI Hospitals.

Nancy offers this course as part of a two-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher’s Certification Program (MMTCP) presented by The Awareness Training Institute and the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California at Berkeley, and designed and taught by world renowned meditation teachers Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart and founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California and Tara Brach, author of Radical Acceptance, Radical Compassion and others.