Jessica Webb, the director of Anchor Yoga in Mattapoisett, is an MBSR teacher, Yoga Nidra guide, Laughter Yoga leader, and is certified to instruct mindful hatha yoga at the RYT 500 level. She has been teaching mindfulness programs and yoga full time for five years and pours her energy into retreats, workshops, group classes on mindfulness, meditation, stress reduction, and yoga for those wishing to lead a richer and fuller life.
A fifth-generation Texan, Jessica has trained at the University of Massachusetts Medical School’s Center for Mindfulness plus completed the 18-month-long intensive yoga-and-Buddhist-studies program, Mindfulness Yoga and Meditation Training at Spirit Rock Meditation Center (directed by Anne Cushman and Will Kabat-Zinn). She is a member of the 100 Million Healthier Lives campaign, the New Bedford Wellness Initiative, The Southcoast Worksite Health and Wellness Collaborative, and she founded the Southeastern Massachusetts Yoga Collective. Clients include Acushnet Co., Southcoast Hospitals Group, Tabor Academy, Marion Institute and many more.
Her dharma-infused teaching style and playful demeanor lend themselves to a relaxed and light-hearted experience for her students. Warmth, compassion, friendliness and humor come through her instructions enmeshed with wisdom, care, and attentiveness. She continues to fill her well with frequent silent retreats in the vipassana tradition at the Insight Meditation Society.