PWC faculty Kim Chandler and Ann Mullen lead this immersion in the foothills of the Berkshires. Wisdom House, an interfaith retreat house, is a peaceful, contemplative setting, with a labyrinth, a swimming pool, and walkways with lovely vistas.
We write together and read our Writes twice a day, with an optional evening Write. Nutritious meals are provided, so all you have to do is turn towards your thoughts.
*Please note*
To provide the kind of social distancing needed right now, each participant will have their own room and a private (not shared) bathroom.
We’ll have plenty of space in both the writing and reading rooms. To ensure the appropriate conditions during this pandemic, we’re limiting participation to 8 students.
This is a unique opportunity to focus on hearing yourself and practicing Proprioceptive Writing in ideal conditions. We hope you will join us.
Questions about this immersion? Email Ann or Kim.