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90 minute Restorative Yoga

Drop in for $18 or use your class card

Restorative Yoga is a powerful practice to deeply relax and rejuvenate the body, mind and spirit, Restorative Yoga is for times of healing, recovery or when you just need a break from the stresses of everyday life.

Judith Lasater, founder of Relax & Renew©, describes Restorative Yoga as a practice of being in the pose rather than doing. In this class you are carefully guided through poses using a variety of props and remaining several minutes in each pose. This allows you to relax with minimal physical and mental effort in the stillness, quiet, support and warmth of the practice.

As you transition to a deep state of calm, the natural healing and rejuvenation of body and mind begins. A regular practice of Restorative Yoga is known to reduce blood pressure, as well as improve digestion, fertility, elimination, muscle tension, anxiety, insomnia and generalized fatigue.