Loving-kindness & Compassion
Sunday, November 3
Sympathetic Joy and Equanimity
Saturday, November 9
Cost: $45 for 1 week or $80 for both sessions
cash/check in studio
A 3% credit card fee will be applied to all online purchases.
Rebecca Polan
Priscilla Szneke
While the Buddhist framework of the Brahma Vihara (known as the Four Abodes of the Heart) is thousands of years old, it has never been timelier than it is today to practice its principles of loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. Connect with these beautiful concepts in a two-part meditation and restorative yoga workshop led by Mindfulness and meditation instructor Priscilla Szneke and Restorative Yoga teacher Rebecca Polan.
The first three-hour segment on Sunday, 11/3 at 1:30 to 4:30 explores lovingkindness (metta) and compassion (karuna), while the second installment on Saturday, 11/9 explores sympathetic joy (mudita) and equanimity (upekkha).
Each one of these four qualities will be introduced in a lecture, then explored in restorative yoga poses that give students the opportunity to embody these concepts such as lovingkindness and equanimity for themselves. A traditional Brahma Vihara meditation will follow (sending these qualities to self and three others), and journaling and discussion will integrate the experience.
Expect to gain a body-deep understanding of these four limitless qualities that you can take home into your personal practice. Specifically, students will take home restorative yoga instructions so the benefits of the practice can continue, and the metta, karuna, mudita and upekkha phrases to practice these helpful meditations at home (these meditations are especially helpful around the holidays!).
Wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a journal (a limited number of journals will be available for purchase for $5).